Beauty in the sunFeaturing Moon, Vinyl, Cynful, Revoul, Astralia, Stardust and Wednesday. ♥ — MORE DETAILS — ♡ Body { Shape } Dokki Doki { Body } Belleza...
Red Velvet• I'm using in this post: Body Shape: Dokki Doki Skin: [ MUDSKIN ]_Irene Hair: eXxEsS : Venezia (NEW) Make Up Freckles: [Buzz] Whimsical...
Fuwa Fuwa Time• I'm using in this post: Body Shape: Dokki Doki Skin: more more. nari skin Hair: Tram D522 Eyes: [Buzz] Natural Eyes - Obsidian Ears:...
Sunny Days• I'm using in this post: Body Shape: Dokki Doki Skin: more more. nari skin Hair: little bones. Elle - The Blend Eyes: [Buzz] Natural...