Featuring Wednesday, Soapberry and Chu-ing. ♥
♡ Body
{ Shape } Dokki Doki
{ Body } Belleza mesh body - Freya
{ Head } Catwa Catya - Mesh bento head
{ Skin } [700] Fairy Potion gacha skin 04
{ Hair } *PinkHustler* 8163
♡ Cosmetic
{ Lashes } Wednesday[+] Everyday Eyelashes / Wednesday[+] ~ Blooming Eyelashes / :: MOMOCHUU :: PonyPo - Eyelashes B
{ Lenses } {SP!} Rosie Eyes (Now named as Soapberry)
{ Tears } :: MOMOCHUU :: PonyPo - Starlight tears RARE
♡ Apparel
{ Outfit } CHU-ING. Pastel Baby - Outfits RARE (NEW at @TSH)
♡ Accessories
{ Hair Pin } CHU-ING. Pastel Baby - Hair Pink - Pink (NEW at @TSH)
{ Choker } :: MOMOCHUU :: PonyPo - Starlight Choker RARE
{ Necklace } CHU-ING. Pastel Baby - Necklace - Pink (NEW at @TSH)
{ Earrings } CHU-ING. Pastel Baby - Earring - Pink (NEW at @TSH)
{ Puppies } JIAN :: Silly Shibes - Held Pup Sable / White
♡ Extra Info
{ Viewer } Firestorm
{ Windlight } Made by me
{ Edit Programs } Photoshop CS5, Paint Tool SAI and Photoscape