♡ Body { Body } Maitreya mesh body - Lara { Head } Catwa Catya - Mesh bento head { Skin } *(OO)*YUKI_Bib - RARE
{ Hair } Moon. Hair // - Buffy (NEW at @N21)
{ Ears } .random.Matter. - Eura Ears
♡ Cosmetic { Lenses } CURELESS[+] Amore Circle Lens { Lashes } Wednesday[+] ~ Cat's Eyelashes
{ Eyeshadow } {Tokki.} Nanako Eyeshadow + Eyeliners { Eyebrow } Wednesday[+] ~ Taeyeon Eyebrows
♡ Apparel { Top } _CandyDoll_ Yuki Top (NEW)
{ Skirt } [ parfait. ] Kokoro Seifuku
(The skirt is part of a complete outfit but I edit it and make the top invisible)
{ Boots } [BREATHE]-Chery & Takako Heels - RARE (NEW at @Gacha Garden)
♡ Accessories
{ Choker } [ parfait. ] Kokoro Seifuku
{ Rings } *PH-PL* MewMew // RARE #2
♡ Decoration
{ Chair / Table } {moss&mink} Hall seat & hanging table (NEW at @Illuminate)
{ Snacks / Pinwheel } {moss&mink} Unicorn Party
♡ Extra Info { Viewer } Firestorm 5.0.11 { Windlight } Made by me { Edit Programs } Photoshop CS5, Paint Tool SAI and Photoscape