Featuring The Crystal Heart Event, Notice me senpai, Sintiklia, S0ng, Soapberry Wednesday, Enfer Sombre, Chu-ing and Moss&Mink. ♥
♡ Body { Body } Maitreya mesh body - Lara { Head } Catwa Catya - Mesh bento head { Skin } {S0NG} Mieko Skin (NEW at @Blush)
{ Hair } Sintiklia - Hair Emiko (NEW at @TCH)
{ Bangs } Stealthic - Bangs - Airy A (NEW at @TCH)
{ Ears } VCO ~ Sera's Ear . Heart pierce 001
♡ Cosmetic { Lenses } {S0NG} :: Bubble Eyes (NEW at @Notice me senpai)
{ Blush } .SB. Delicate Deity Blusher (NEW at @TCH)
{ Lipstick } (Enfer Sombre*) Amy Lipstick set
♡ Apparel { Dress } CHU-ING. Kill me, Heal me - Dress RARE (NEW at @TCH)
{ Boots } {Ghoul}Thanako Boots (NEW at @TCH)
♡ Accessories
{ Ribbons } *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - Ribon bow (NEW at @TCH)
{ Eyepatch } CHU-ING. Kill me, Heal me - Eyepatch (NEW at @TCH)
{ Garter } *{( konpeitou )}* Lunatic*Dream - bondage ribbon garter (NEW at @TCH)
{ Syringe } CHU-ING. Kill me, Heal me - Syringe RARE (NEW at @TCH)
♡ Decoration
{ Cabinet } {moss&mink} Kitchen Set
{ Scene } Wednesday[+] ~ Diabetic Gacha ~ / Wednesday[+] ~ Diabetic Gacha ~
{ Rug } {BunBun} Sugar Sweet - Pink Cookie Rug x
{ Screen } Soy. Hospital screen
♡ Extra Info { Viewer } Firestorm 5.0.11 { Windlight } Made by me { Edit Programs } Photoshop CS5, Photoshop CC, Paint Tool SAI and Photoscape