Featuring Beusy, Pumec, S0ng, Scandalize and Girl Power Event. ♥
♡ Body { Body } Maitreya mesh body - Lara { Head } Catwa Catya - Mesh bento head { Skin } .:[PUMEC] :. - .:AMARA:. - SKIN (NEW)
{ Hair } Beusy: Ashlie Hairstyle + Cap
{ Bangs } Beusy: Nightshade Hair + Ribbon
♡ Cosmetic
{ Lenses } {S0NG} :: Nell Eyes
{ Lashes } Wednesday[+] ~ Cat's Eyelashes
{ Lipgloss } #Boataom :: Lip BlodyRose
♡ Apparel
{ Top / Shorts } SCANDALIZE. Adriyana. (NEW at @Tres Chic)
♡ Accessories
{ Earbuds } .random.matter. - Wonho Set - Earbuds
{ Phone } *[andromeda]* - Club Antisocial - Phone Pink (NEW at @The Girl Power)
♡ Extra Info { Viewer } Firestorm 5.1.7 { Windlight } Made by me { Edit Programs } Photoshop CS5, Photoshop CC, Paint Tool SAI and Photoscape