Featuring Taketomi, Harajuku Event, Girl Power Event, Avoixs, Lueur, Parfait, Horntail, Reign, Lagom, Moss&Mink and Wednesday. ♥
♡ Body
{ Body } Maitreya mesh body - Lara
{ Head } Catwa mesh head - Catya
{ Hair } taketomi - ZeroTwo
{ Ears } ^^Swallow^^ Pixie Ears 0.1
{ Nails } Astralia - Compatible nails system (Pack 1) - Stiletto
♡ Cosmetic
{ Blush } Just Magnetized - Blush & Luminizer
{ Lipgloss } *Rainbow Sundae* Soft Gloss (NEW at @Harajuku)
{ Nailpolish } //Lueur// - Gel Finish - ASTRALIA NAILS APPLIER (NEW)
♡ Apparel
{ Shirt } HORNTAIL - Maitreya Mayumi Outfit
{ Collar / Bikini } HORNTAIL - Maitreya Hina Outfit (NEW at @The Girl Power)
{ Stocking } REIGN.- 12 Days of Reignmas (DAY 2)
♡ Accessories
{ Kitti Set } parfait. Nekomimi Cosplay (NEW at @Sanarae)
♡ Decorations { Skybox } 01. Lagom - Cat Crazy [Skybox] ULTRARARE (NEW at @Harajuku)
{ Bed } 02. Lagom - Cat Crazy [Bed] RARE (NEW at @Harajuku)
{ TV } Wednesday[+] ~ Pink Devil ~ TV - RARE (NEW at @The Epiphany)
{ Hanger } 06. Lagom - Cat Crazy [Hanger] (NEW at @Harajuku)
{ Posters } Wednesday[+] ~ Pink Devil ~ Posters (NEW at @The Epiphany)
{ Catbed } 04. Lagom - Cat Crazy [CatBed] (NEW at @Harajuku)
{ Scratch post } 05. Lagom - Cat-ccecories [Scratch post]
{ Laptop } Wednesday[+] ~ Crystal Life ~ Laptop - RARE
{ Plants } {moss&mink} Melty Planters - VIP Gift
{ Dango } Wednesday[+] ~ Pink Devil ~ Dango (NEW at @The Epiphany)
{ Playstation } Wednesday[+] ~ Pink Devil ~ WitchStation (NEW at @The Epiphany)
{ Cat } Birdy. Cabaret- Princess Puss-
{ Phone } 14. Lagom - Cat Crazy [Phone] (NEW at @Harajuku)
♡ Extra Info { Viewer } Firestorm 5.1.7 { Windlight } Made by me { Softwares } Photoshop CS5, Photoshop CC, Paint Tool SAI and Photoscape
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