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Snow Elf



{ Body } Maitreya mesh body - Lara

{ Head } Catwa mesh head - Catya

{ Skin } {S0NG} Mieko Skin

{ Hair } taketomi - Serena

{ Ears } :[Plastik]:- Fraia Icequeen Gacha - Ears (NEW at @The Epiphany)


{ Lenses } -SU!- Medora Eyes #18 Glitch Wasted RARE

{ Lashes } evermore. [heartstring.lashes ~ catwa] - hud.a

{ Blush } Just Magnetized - Blush & Luminizer

{ Lipgloss } [PF] CATWA LIPSTICK Applier - Dazzle Me


{ Bodysuit } Moon Elixir - Origin (NEW at @Equal10)

{ Boots } :[Plastik]:- Fraia Icequeen Gacha - Boots RARE (NEW at @The Epiphany)


{ Collar } Moon Elixir - Crystal Kitsune - 01 - RARE

{ Gloves } Moon Elixir - Crystal Kitsune - 04 - Gloves

{ Belt } :[Plastik]:- Fraia Icequeen Gacha - Belt RARE (NEW at @The Epiphany)

{ Sparkles } {aii} + Cosmic Crybaby + (NEW at @Etoile)

{ Snowflake } :[Plastik]:- Fraia Icequeen Gacha - Floatyflake (NEW at @The Epiphany)

Extra Info { Viewer } Firestorm 5.1.7 { Windlight } Made by me { Softwares } Photoshop CS5, Photoshop CC, Paint Tool SAI and Photoscape

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